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Sacred Art of Geometry Symposium 

 Sunday 3 - Saturday 9 April 2016

Emerson College

Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX, UK




















Join SAOG tutors Daniel and Kira and a host of internationally renowned teachers for a week of practical workshops, talks and masterclasses. The idyllic Emerson College campus and neighbouring Tablehurst Farm - positioned in the Sussex High Weald (area of outstanding natural beauty) on the edge of the Ashdown Forest and mid-way between London and Brighton - form the backdrop. Highlights of the Symposium include an introductory course on Biomorphic/Arabesque Design by

Adam Williamson; Geometry Masterclasses by Tom Bree and

Richard Henrya talk on 'The Conscious Universe'

by John Martineauauthor  of a Little book of COINCIDENCE.

SAOG is offering its acclaimed Philosophy and Practice of Labyrinths and

 Islamic Geometric Design: Moroccan Pattern and Tile-Making.


Cost: Full day, (10:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00), Â£55

Half day, £30. 

Emerson College offers accommodation (£35 single room, Â£58 twin share, camping £10) and locally sourced organic/biodynamic meal options.

Contact us for details

{On site child care and children's workshops available during the Symposium week. Advance booking essential.}


Symposium Programme


Sunday 3 April, (10, 17, 24 April) 10:00-17:00

Islamic Geometric Design:

Moroccan Pattern and Tile-Making

a SAOG course


Monday 4 April, 10:00-17:00

Philosophy and Practice of Labyrinths

a SAOG course


Tuesday 5 April, 10:00-13:00 

Fire, Air, Earth, Water, Aether

Build your own set of 'Platonic Solids' and learn about their profound significance and symbolism.

a SAOG course


Tuesday 5 April, 14:00-17:00 

The Geometry of the Jaali Screen

In this workshop we will explore the subtle geometry of the Jaali screen. We will consider examples from Turkey and North India and explore principles of tesselation, reflection and repetition.

with Richard Henry


Wednesday 6 April, 14:00-17:00

A Practical Introduction to Biomorphic/Arabesque Design

with Adam Williamson



Thursday 7 April, 10:00-17:00

Geometric/Biomorphic Plaster Carving (places available)

with Adam Williamson


Friday 8 April, 10:00-13:00 

Geometry of Nature and Cosmos

Geometric patterns can be seen to underlie the whole created order. Indeed the word cosmos literally means ‘order’. The daffodil and the snowflake both embody the same six-fold symmetry but so does the gigantic hexagonal cloud formation around the north pole of the planet Saturn. The same geometric patterns repeat at all levels of existence but perhaps most importantly they are beautiful. 
In drawing a ‘centred’ mandala pattern the soul reminds itself of its true nature as a beautiful, multifaceted and ordered being which perpetually emanates forth from the One (i.e. its centre). In the Hermetic tradition the cosmos is understood to be an image of God and the human being an image of the cosmos. So for the soul to re-aquaint itself with its true cosmic nature is also to remind itself of its divine source.

This practical drawing session, with compasses and ruler, will be accompanied by on-going references to - and contemplation of - the philosophical and spiritual principles that inform the practise.

with Tom Bree


Friday 8 April 7pm

The Conscious Universe

a talk by

John Martineau








Saturday 9 April

Sacred Art of Geometry


Prince's School of Traditional Arts Alumni gathering

Note: Participants of the whole 'Symposium week' are invited to join us for the Moroccan Patterns session on Sunday 10 April  10:00-17:00 
















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