S a c r e d A r t o f G e o m e t r y

Sky and Psyche
Planets Within, Planets Without
17 - 19 July 2024 Cost: £285
Fully booked. To join waiting list, email:
SAOG Studios
Emerson, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX, UK

Buy Now button represents a 50% course fee deposit (£142.50); the remaining course fee balance is due no later than course commencement. Alternatively, make a bank transfer payment (details at top of Bookings page)
A three-day Symposium at SAOG Studios
with Daniel Docherty, John Meeks and Hartmut Warm
Come and join us at SAOG Studios this summer for what promises to be a rich and soul-nourishing three-day course, as we contemplate both the cosmos within and the starry realms above. We will be guided on an immersive and participatory journey through illustrated talks on Planetary Movements and Mythologies. We will be introduced to new cosmological research and discoveries; we will draw and choreograph the Sacred Geometry of the Planets; and later in the evening - weather allowing - we will cast our eyes heavenward and engage in some naked-eye astronomy
Daniel Docherty is programme director and senior tutor at SAOG Studios. He delights in researching, teaching and practising Sacred Geometry and the Arts/Sciences of the Quadrivium. www.sacredartofgeometry.com
John Meeks taught Astronomy, Goethean Science and Anthroposophy at Emerson College from 1977 to 1988. After many years as an upper school Waldorf science teacher in Switzerland, he now works as an independent lecturer and researcher on star-myths and planetary phenomena. John has authored and translated numerous books and articles relating to Astrosophy and naked-eye astronomy.
Hartmut Warm has spent many years studying the history of the Harmony of the Spheres and Planetary Astronomy. He has presented over 250 lectures and seminars in Germany, England, Scotland, Norway, Austria, Poland, Switzerland and South America on the idea of a Harmony of the Spheres and the Geometrical Structures discovered by him within the Solar System, including their significance regarding our comprehension of the world. Hartmut is the author of "Signature of the Celestial Spheres", a seminal book published by Rudolf Steiner Press in 2010. His new book: “Der Sternenorganismus – Aufbau und Weisheit der Sternfiguren” (The Organism of the
Star Figures), is published by Keplerstern Verlag, 2022. www.keplerstern.com
Themes to be explored during Sky and Psyche: Planets Within, Planets Without
John Meeks will present "Planetary Harmonies" exploring the phenomena and mythology of the three pairs of inner and outer planets: Mars - Venus, Jupiter - Mercury, Saturn - Moon.
The sharings will be multi-dimensional involving visual presentation, movement, naked-eye astronomy, drawing and more ...
Hartmut Warm will concentrate on the outer solar system from Jupiter to Pluto, showing their high-ordered movement relationships and its significance for the stability of the whole system, what this also means for the significance for our existence!
Hartmut will also explore the "music of the planets" including the music of the Jovian moons - with some musical examples of composers and attempts of sound realisation.
The planetary relationship 'star figures' as archetypes in cosmos and nature will also play a role ...
Daniel Docherty will present upon the Sacred Geometry of the Solar System leading drawing sessions exploring resonant harmonies within planetary relationships. We will also consider how these heavenly harmonies manifest within man and nature ...

Images from past Planetary Pattern courses and symposia at SAOG Studios