S a c r e d A r t o f G e o m e t r y
Following the success of SacredArtofGeometry's 2018 'Glorious Gothic' Summer School Intensive we are delighted to once again offer a six-day course for 2019 ...
Glorious Gothic:
A Celebration of European Art, Architecture and Design of the 12th-14th Centuries
with Daniel Docherty, Lucie Galvani and Jonathan Horning
Learn the Art of Rose Window, Tracery and Arch Design; Encaustic Tiles; Gilding/Illumination; Inks/Pigments and the Medieval Palette and the Geometry of Cosmatesque.
22-27 August 2019
Cost: £430 Book Today!
SAOG Studios
Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX, UK
Secure your place with a £100 deposit today
Join us at SAOG Studios and the idyllic Emerson College campus and surrounds this
22-27 August 2019 for what promises to be another wonderful and rich six-day 'Glorious Gothic' celebration. We will be focussing on the medieval arts of Rose Window, Tracery and Arch Design;
Encaustic Tiles-Making; Gilding/Illumination; Inks/Pigments and the Medieval Palette and the
Geometry of Cosmatesque with a view to developing a final 'masterpiece' which will incorporate
many of the elements studied earlier in the course. There will also be the option for course participants to focus on and hone skills in a particular area of interest.
The course day will run 10 am to 5 pm each day with an hour for lunch between 12.45 pm- 1.45 pm (times are approximations only). The Studio may be used outside of these times by arrangement.
Saturday morning (24 August) will be a 'free' morning with a possible (optional) excursion planned to London for direct observational sketching/study.