S a c r e d A r t o f G e o m e t r y
The Dance of Earth and Venus
'The Dance of Venus course was a mind-blowing, heart-opening experience!'

The Dance of Earth and Venus
with Daniel Docherty
21 - 23 March 2025

(10:00 - 17:00) Cost: £265
Paypal button represents a 50% course fee deposit (£132.50); the remaining course fee balance is due no later than course commencement.
{For Bacs payments use: Acc. name - D. Docherty, Acc. no. - 00159301, Sort code - 110854}
The course fee is refundable in full up to six weeks prior to course commencement.
Cancellations within six weeks of course commencement are non-refundable.
SAOG Studios (Ruskin East)
Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX, UK
The Dance of Earth and Venus results in one of the most beautiful and breathtaking rhythms and patterns of the solar system. Every eight Earth years (13 Venus years) they dance a pentagonal form in space akin to the pip-star inside your apple or the petals of a primrose flower! During this course we will learn how to draw this incredible pattern using the traditional tools of compass and straight-edge; we will explore the key aspects of Earth and Venus' cycles that determine such extraordinary heavenly harmony.
And time allowing ... with copper leaf and watercolour paint made from malachite and azurite - which in the Hermetic/Alchemical tradition have forever been associated with the planet Venus - we will create stunning mandalas embodying the Earth/Venus dance ...
Reflections from recent Dance of Earth and Venus course participants
'Thank you for such a beautifully rich course, my soul is well nourished.
As I arrived home, the Hellebores greeted me in my headlights, their form taking on a whole new meaning for me now ...'
'Thanks Daniel for the cosmic choreography (& catering).
... nourished is the word, soul nourishing, and also for me, equally shaken, from having some of my loose (and some strong) convictions challenged by the work ...'
'What a fantastic weekend. Wish I could be still in the Venus exploration today and the rest of the week.
Feel very nourished by the whole event.'
'The Dance of Venus course was a mind-blowing, heart-opening experience!'
'Thank you for a magical course where time and space merged and disappeared!
Thank you for your kindness, poetry, patience, gift of sharing the spheres, planets and other joys ... I travelled out of my comfort zone and into magical realms of remembering and letting go. I have been transported way beyond any expectations ...'
'A fantastic weekend! So difficult to leave from your precious and nourishing space, as we know how hard it could be to keep that spirit when we are back to our daily activities ...
Thank you for sharing your precious material ...'
"Thank You for the wonderful Workshop. It was outstanding in every way. . . . I'm rippling with Venus energy . . ."
"It was such a joy to reconnect to that pre-existing place in me of gently water-rafting down the stream of your words, teachings, musings and your humour. I enjoyed it immensely. You have such a lovely way of finding the right harmony and balance in your way-of-being and reflected in your teachings too, of all the marriages to be made: the masculine and the feminine, the firm with the gentle, the truths and the mysteries, the certain and the uncertain, the boundaries and the un-boundaried (and many more). I really love your style. You are one of the only teachers I've ever had where I don’t feel fearful, controlled, told off, corrected etc. There’s no power play or ego. I felt very free and inspired. Your classes are ones where our imaginations and our Souls can come out and flap their wings around freely and by the end of it we feel somehow bigger than we were at the start. Thank you so much. I wish you lots of forest bathing and Venus enchantments and mysteries unfolding.
See you down stream.
Soon I hope."
"Thank u sooo much for the super brilliant course! I’m so happy that I practiced so many pieces ..."
"Thank you so very much for the Venus & Earth dance - the quality of the space you offer, the people present & the learning & how you impart this, along with the discussions & poetry & beauty has left me with a sense of awe and wonder and love ... I am deeply grateful."